Thank You and Good Bye

Minister Muses by Rev. Julie Lombard

Stephen Karam wrote, “Consider this my fond farewell. Erin

go bragh. Dance more than I did. Drink less than I did. Go to

church. Be good to everyone you love. I love you more than

you’ll ever know.”

I am not certain who he was writing this to, but I can image that he wrote it to people he

cared deeply about because I know that saying good bye is very challenging thing.

I struggle with it and maybe you do, too. Ministers come into a sacred space like our

sanctuary never knowing the true depth and imprint that the community will leave upon

them. That is true here. Each one touched by a community of love has much to process

with departures.

It will take time to feel all the emotions in this moment. For much of my life going home

was not what I wanted, but it is now. I couldn’t wait to leave home after high school to

have new experiences. The incredible opportunity has come for me to return, to live with

my spouse, and to be with my mother at the end of her life. So, it is time for me to say

good bye, good luck, and thank you.

When Jesus was preparing the disciples for his ascension, he told them that they would

come to do better things than he had done after his departure. Did Jesus have a Chrystal

ball? How did he know this? Jesus had faith in something larger than himself.

He had faith in God, in the process that was unfurling, and in a changing universe that has

enough abundance to provide all that is needed. That is what we need to try to do now -

have trust... in God, in the process of this ministerial transition, in the denomination

support from the conference ministers and the congregational life offices, in one another

- the people in the pews, in the church as a professional organization, and in the many

lessons being presented.

Yes, it is appropriate to feel, but do not let your emotions pull you off course from where

you are going. You are in direct connection to your future and what you do and say

matters greatly.

So, dance and sing as much as possible because it lifts the spirit, imbibe only what serves

you and others, and be good to everyone even to those you do not love because your

extra kindness will transform any soul including your own.

It is true, I love you more than you will ever know and words fail to convey the depth of

meaning. Thank you for this opportunity to serve you and Northfield, VT. You may be the

geographical center of your state, but your love will remain in the center of being for a

very long time. Keep going to church and loving your neighbor!


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