Psychologist Abraham Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Human Needs’ was published in 1943.  In it he identifies several areas of human need that if not met one cannot readily advance to the next level. A pyramid has been used to illustrate this hierarchy, with basic needs at the base of the pyramid and self-actualization at the peak. This provides a framework to describe what we do at the united Church of Northfield. 

In a nutshell, we serve our congregation, community and greater world in ways to raise people up by providing love and support. We use our time, our talents, our worship and our facilities to achieve this. 

Beginning with the base and working to the top of the triangle here are some examples of what we do. 

Basic Physiological Needs( food, shelter, heat)-

            We provide hands on and financial support for housing, fuel and food through our community and state food shelves, Community Emergency Relief Volunteers and our Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. We also offer free community dinners on a twice-monthly basis in partnership with the Methodist Church. 

Social Needs (love, longing and belonging)-

            Whether you choose to be a member of our church or are a visitor you are welcomed into our “family”.  That sense of love and belonging are yours at no charge. We do things together- love, pray, grieve, celebrate, share meals, hopes, and dreams. We do this at Sunday worship and in small groups. We provide for weddings, funerals, and baptism with open arms to members and non-members. We encourage children to participate in Sunday school, all aspects of worship services.

We support families and children through use of our facilities for playgroups and a children’s theater group.

  Esteem (dignity, self worth, accomplishment and respect)-

            Our Open and Affirming Covenant of Faith was developed over the period of a year. A team of interested members and non-members provided input. We wrote and discussed and revised all with respect for each other’s opinions of what it meant to be open and affirming. In the end we produced a “living” document that guides us every day in our interactions with all people.

Open and Affirming Covenant of Faith

‘The United Church of Northfield is an open and affirming congregation. We are committed to making justice and inclusion a reality in our world. We embrace and celebrate diversity and the dignity and worth of every individual. Whatever your age, race, beliefs, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, or physical, cognitive or emotional abilities; we value you and invite you to participate fully and without reservation in the life, leadership and mission of our church as we seek to be an expression of God's love in our community and the world.‘ 

Self- Actualization/Transcendence-

            These are difficult concepts. One interpretation might be reaching a place where you can put the needs of others before your own; or where you can place your faith in the hands of a power greater than yourself. If we reflect on the prior stages of Maslow’s Model we can see how difficult getting to this stage might be for someone who is still struggling to find work, a place for their family to live or their next meal.

            “…this part of our mission calls us to become deeply and intimately involved in changing the conditions of life that hold us and others back from reaching our potential. And it has to go beyond our walls and be intimately entwined with the life of the community.” Adapted from a sermon by the Rev. Paul Oakley of the UU Fellowship of Mt., Illinois.

 You can see by the examples of what we at the United Church do, that our focus and faith are on a just path to helping all people meet their needs and realize their potential.