Minister’s Musings

by Rev. Julie Lombard

Dan Brown writes in The Lost Symbol, “Truth has power. And if we all gravitate toward

similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true ... written deep within us. And

when we hear the truth, even if we don’t understand it, we feel that truth resonate within

us ... vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. “Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but

rather, the truth is re-called ... re-membered ... re-cognized ... as that which is already

inside us.” Truth is our worship theme in the month of May.

When it comes to truth, Dan Brown clearly believes that truth is no original sin rather it is

an original blessing. We are born with truth within us and it is waiting to be revealed. This

truth may be what we dream of and hope for while it can also be our worst nightmare. It

may not make a difference whether the truth is positive, negative, or something in

between. What matters most is our understanding of it, the values we build upon its

foundation, and how we act.

In May, we will look at truth from many perspectives during worship. First we will explore

the truth about when Jesus states in John 14:12 “the one who believes in me will also do

the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.” Have you been out

shining Jesus in your ministry? Our greater works needs to exhibit the way, the truth, and

the life for beloved communities that continue to be disconnected and denied access to

all of the areas that can bring about an abundant life.

We will also honor Mother’s Day by hearing from three of our own mothers- from a Great

Grandmother and a multi-generational perspective, Bev Tucker, from someone in the

trenches now -Julie Sippel-Silowash, & from Grandmother of many and navigating the

empty nest, Debbie Maloney-Evans. Each having their own distinct journey through

motherhood and faith, each will share snap shots from her faith that has inspired her. We

will finish up the month with a hard look at one faith tradition confronting an ugly truth

about racism and finally, we will celebrate the deeper meaning behind Pentecost with

Dex Rowe.

It’s a full month with many reasons to praise all that is holy. We hope you will join us

every step of the way. Let us explore truth and all it has to offer together.


Thank You and Good Bye


Minister’s Musings