Ministers Musings
In January, we welcome the arrival of Justice as our monthly worship theme. There are many ways to explore this thematic topic & we’ll have five weeks to explore it throughout the month. Maybe you want to join us for worship or come to the next Mission Ministry Team meeting?
On Sunday, January 2, we welcome you to dive deeper into the word & wisdom as Christmas ends and Epiphany begins. We will return to the beginning, as we rediscover wisdom full of grace and truth. For all ages this month, we will explore creations stories from cultures around the world. Through the Bible, we will turn our attention on this first Sunday to the Gospel of John where the word became flesh.
Each week will offer us another new opportunity to connect with our faith as we renew the promise made at our baptism on the 9th; consider how we might honor MLK & build a beloved community on the 16th, learn how to pray in color as we figure out for ourselves the true color of justice on the 23rd, & on the 30th we will honor Health & Human Service Sunday on the same day we will say a fond farewell to our long time Music Director, Daniel Bruce.
No matter how you spot light it, Justice is a fundamental component of our denominations. It also matters to us deep in our hearts. Since the beginning of creation, justice has played a part of faith & has inspired many to spread the good news & do good deeds. Let this theme wash over you this month and see how you are inspired – share your ideas with leadership & our Missions Ministry.
If justice is what love looks like in public as Cornel West says, then what does justice look like to us? Is it you wearing a mask? Is it bringing food to put in the CERV shopping cart in the sanctuary? Is it opening our doors to various organizations that are trying to make the world a better place like the youth theatre group, the AA men's group, or the Zumba group that uses our sacred space? Join us this month & we will explore justice together in the most holy ways.- Rev. Julie Lombard
Justice is our monthly worship theme.