Church Vitality Meeting
Focus will be on developing the Church Action Plan drawing from our proposed Statement of Purpose.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us for a special candle light service celebrating the birth of Christ through carols and readings. All are welcome!
Playgroup for preschool ages sponsored by the Family Center of Washington County. Place Howe’s Hall. here There will be no Playgroup on December 26, 2024.

Empty Bowl Soup Luncheon
A hand thrown bowl by a local potter, choice of soup/chowder, bread, dessert and beverage. All for $20!
Plus- browse and shop the Art Show Nov. 9, 11:30- 3:00 & Nov. 10, 12:00-3:00 at Howe’s Hall, United Church of Northfield.
Proceeds to benefit the local Meals on Wheels Program and the missions of the United Church of Northfield. For more info- 802 279-4706.

Church Luncheon and Brainstorming Session
The Church Vitality Committee is hosting an after church coffee hour luncheon tobrainstorm around the elements of the recently developed purpose statement (Draft Purpose Statement- Meeting in faith, honoring diversity, transformed by love and kindness, serving the community with joy) for use in developing the church vision statement. The Committee will take the work of this brainstorm session and develop the vision statement during November/December and then present it to the whole congregation for approval at a retreat or similar setting. A summary will be presented by the Committee to give people context on who the committee has identified in the community that the church can reach out to and help meet their needs (1-2 priorities). Join us for this important work!

Book Discussion Group
Join us as we read and discuss, Fierce Love, by Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis. For more info on the book, "...a big-hearted, healing antidote to our rancorous society." We will meet in Howe’s Hall and enjoy a simple potluck supper as we discuss. At this first meeting will cover the Introduction and first 2 chapters of the book, and decide on our future dates to meet on.

UCN hosts Bethany UCC of Montpelier
Members of the Bethany church are invited to join us for Sunday Services and Fellowship Hour. This is a great time to Meet and Greet our neighbors from Montpelier. Pastor Gary O’Gorman will be leading the service.
Free Community Dinner
The dinner is at the Fellowship Hall of the United Methodist Church. The UMC prepares and serves the main course. Desserts will be provided by the UCN. All are welcome! These dinners are held on the 4th Thursday of the month.

Playgroup is back!!
Playgroup is back at the United Church of Northfield!!
Children birth - five years old
Each accompanied by their adult (18 years and older) care-taker
Playgroup will meet every Thursday from 10 am -11 am at the United Church of Northfield beginning on Thursday, September 12th. Run by the Family Center of Washington County and hosted the the United Church of Northfield.
Meeting with Rev. Paul Nickerson
Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Church Vitality Committee with our coach Rev. Paul Nickerson.
Church Vitality Meeting
Zoom meeting of the Church Vitality Committee. Discussion focus- Community needs.

Free Community Dinner
All are welcome for a free meal including desserts provided by the UCN bakers. Hosted by the United Methodist Church every 4th Thursday of the month.Supported by the UCN Delicious home cooked food, and great opportunity to reconnect with friends.
Pastoral Search Committee Meeting
Pastoral Search Committee meeting in pastor’s study at the church.
Church Council Meeting
Regular monthly meeting. Usually the third Tuesday of the month. All members are welcome! Contact Laura Ranker for ZOOM link-
Zumba class
Recurring class in Howe’s Hall each Tuesday evening. Instructor- Robin Combs.

Benefit Dinner -Ethiopian Church
The Mission Committee will present an authentic Ethiopian Dinner to benefit the reconstruction of the Debre Genet Kedus Giorgis church in Gembe, Ethiopia, which was destroyed in a tragic fire accident. Karen Taylor will give a brief presentation on this region and the church rebuilding efforts. All proceeds will be sent to the church project. The menu will included ijera, doro wat, tabouli, atakilte wat, Gomon wat, misir wat, key sir alicha. Translation: bread, chicken stew, salad, cabbage dish, collard greens, spiced red lentils, potatoes and beets. Beverages, Queen of Sheba cake and ice cream included. Suggested donation of $20. Come enjoy some Ethiopian culture for a good cause.

Annual UCN Strawberry Festival
Fresh local strawberries, home made biscuits (GF option) and Ben and Jerry’s vanilla ice cream. Choice of Strawberry Shortcake or Strawberry Ice Cream Sundae. Eat in or take out! More details to follow…
Zumba Class
Location- Howe’s Hall. Instructor -Robin Combs. Recurring event- each Tuesday.

Easter Services
7 AM - Easter Sunrise Service in church parking lot followed by a free light breakfast.
9 AM- Choir practice
10 AM- Easter Sunday Service in the sanctuary, no coffee hour.
Men's AA meeting
Location: Howe’s Hall. Set up begins at 6:30. This is a repeating event each Monday
One Great Hour of Sharing
We will be collecting the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.One Great Hour of Sharing is one of the four special mission offerings of the United Church of Christ. This Lenten offering supports the disaster, refugee, and development ministries of the UCC within Wider Church Ministries.
Vermont Conference-Church Vitality Event
“How to Help Your Church Grow” at the Williston Federated Church. UCN will send a delegation to this event. The March 9 conference will be followed by a year of support and meetings to reach our goals.